Construction Updates in the Waukee Community School District

We know there are a lot of exciting construction projects going on in our district. We hope this page will serve as a fun way to keep updated on our current projects.

OngoingDrone video of Northwest High School Construction

2021 Updates

February 23Brookview Expansion and Sugar Creek Elementary

February 1Future home of 6-7 building, 8-9 building and natatorium

February 1Northwest High School

January 5Vince Meyer Learning Center

January 4Northwest High School

2020 Updates

December 7Northwest High School

December 2Sugar Creek Elementary

November 18Northwest High School

November 13Northwest High School

October 29Brookview Expansion

October 7Northwest High School

September 16Northwest High School and Sugar Creek Elementary

May 21Groundbreaking at Sugar Creek Elementary

2019 Updates

November 12Northwest High School

2018 Updates

November 19Northwest High School